Crack download for the Android app called custom aim
New visual update! Upgrade your FPS skills with over 15, player-created scenarios, infinite customization, cloned game physics, sharable playlists, and guided training and analysis. Become a human aimbot! Recent Reviews:. All Reviews:. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Is this game relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam. Languages :. Title: KovaaK 2. Publisher: The Meta. Visit the website kovaakteam on Twitch KovaaK 2.
Share Embed. Add to Cart. Bundle info. Add to Account. Add all DLC to Cart. View Community Hub. Discord Live Chat with Devs and Community. You will quickly improve at your favorite game! Infinite flexibility: Create your own scenarios. Customize every aspect of your training. If you can imagine it, you can make it! All we care about is making you better at the games you love.
Is this black magic??? I've been training for about 4 days and just destroyed a friend I couldn't beat before. Imagine after a year of training! It is something that will always be part of my arsenal in my never ending quest for improvement. Great scenarios. Drastic improvement. Better people. Thank you guys - Iron Kovaaks allows me to work on my muscle memory so I can focus on decision making rather than where my flicks are going to go.
It has made me a more consistent player in terms of winning fights. Save your favorite looks as Themes. Compete on the leaderboards for any scenario global or friends only Custom maps Note : KovaaK 2. See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. Review Type. However, in normal game scenarios, it is hard to focus on simply getting better at aiming, because there is always something else going on that you have to do - capturing objectives, throwing grenades, using abilities, etc. In fact, if you total up the time that you spend purely shooting at the enemy in one round, you will find it to be quite little.
This website provides a distilled, pure aim training tool, in which the only objective you have is to aim, and to aim well, providing much more aiming practice per unit time than any in-game match.
Flick-shooting practice for snipers, etc. Toggle navigation Aim Trainer. Home Feedback. Looking to improve your aim?