Free dem download
Research Data Archive: This website has elevation data of different parts of the world. You have to register to download the DEM data. Finland: It has 2m and 5m DEM data available. Land Information New Zealand has more. Austria: Austrian map provides DEM data to download. Denmark: Different types of elevation data can be downloaded from Kortforsyningen website. Australia: Australia government website has different type of elevation data.
India: Indian government space program has version 1 and 1. Website in Dutch. You can explore the links given. We will download from SRTM. You can read the documentation for information.
Click on SRTM 3. Here you can determine the coordinates of the tile in which your location is lying. You must know where your location is on earth i. North East or North West etc. As you determine the coordinates of tile, go to previous page and Click on the map where your location is. Now click the tile from the index you determined from the large map. It will automatically downloaded to your computer after clicking the link.
I will be exporting that topo surface to Autodesk revit and there i will use it as a filter so that which of my building can reside on that topography. If yes where can I get it? If NO when will it be released?? I am on the Earth Explorer page but I do not see where I can find astgtm2 files.
Can anyone help me? Hi Matthias. Any of these software programs in the link below will be able to open a TIF. And for most of them, you can just drag and drop the TIF file from windows explorer directly into the program.
And what steps do I have to follow to get a nice height map? But the image modus seems to be set off. And when I change it to 32 bit and then back to 8 bit I still have complete white areas, what would disiturb a 3d elevation mesh. The region that I am searching is: 1. Lat: 1. Could someone help me explain why? I am newbie to GIS data. Thanks a lot! At southern negative latitudes ex.
How do I avoid this distortion? Could you help me on this? Here are some options for you. For crops, it really depends on the time of season, stage of growth and types of crops for any NDVI analysis.